Compiled and Edited by E.Z. Pace.
Who needs the excitement . . . the danger . . . and expense of Formula 1 racing . . . or horse racing . . . or running with bulls? We don’t.
There are alternatives — calmer races — that we get our adrenaline rushes from and want to tell you about.
We’ve arranged the races on the order of speed. There are some close calls, however — For example, book carts and shopping trolleys probably race at about the same speed.
Links to categories of races covered:
- Worms
- Snails & Slugs
- Turtles and Tortoises
- Gold Fish
- Ferrets
- Book Carts
- Rubber Ducks
- Hamsters
- Pigeons
- Shopping Tolleys/Carts
- Lawnmowers
- Milk Floats
- Donkey Carts
- Submarines
- Trabants