April is Reading Road Maps Month
With the summer travel season soon arriving, April is time to get out the maps, unfold them, start planning trips.
Should it even be called Reading Road Maps Month? Change the name to Reading Sat Nav Month?
Sat Nav Advantages
•  Updated frequently
•  Smaller than paper maps, fit into smaller pocket
•  Don’t have to fold it
Paper Map Advantages
•  Big picture . . . can see much more of where you’re starting, where you’ll end up, and much to see on the way
•  Will give you a good feel for north, south, east, west
•  No battery going dead
•  No satellite connection needed
• Can read on airplane at all times
• Fun to fold
A good article to read, “Don’t Throw Away Your Paper Maps Just Yet
Solution: use both. Belt and suspenders. We dull men like belts and suspenders (braces), click here.
Road Map Reading 101
Road Map Collectors Association
If you are a road map fan, you may want to join the Road Map Collectors Association. The association has over 300 members. it holds a map swap each year near Chicago. 