‘I photograph lost gloves’ — Financial Times [photo by Charlotte Tanguy]
Mark has a stunning collection of photographs he’s taken of 200 lost gloves. ‘No glove is too boring’, Mark says. ‘I will take a photo of it regardless of its condition or where it happens to be. Some have been repeatedly run over and are so scrunched up that they are almost unidentifiable’.
He never tampers with the evidence. ‘I take the photo exactly as I see it and then leave the glove where I found it.
Mark and his gloves are in our 2017 calendar — on the page for November, the month when it starts to get cold outdoors, when we start looking for our gloves.
‘What’s thrilling is that I find these lost gloves when I least expect it. I’ve found them in trees, on top of a police car, stretched over a door knob, even stuffed in the mouth of a postbox.’
‘My best find so far was on the beach in New Romney, Kent. I stumbled across a huge fence with a glove on every post. A graveyard for lost gloves. I now know how Columbus felt when he discovered the New World.’
The calendar, Dull Men’s Club Calendar—Great Britain—2017, is available on Amazon UK and Amazon USA.