We are editing this page now, refreshing/updating it. If you have suggestions, we’d love to hear from you; contactus@dullmen.com
Resolve to
Floss more
Keep socks paired (even if they are all black)
Clean slippers at least once a month
Make sure fridge is sorted by “use by” dates
Keep pencils sharpened and arranged by degrees of hardness. There’s more than 2B or not 2B: There’s also 8B, 7B, 6B, 5B, 4B, 3B, B, HB, F, H, 2H, 3H, 4H, 5H, and 6H
Make sure audio and video tapes are in their proper boxes, e.g., cassettes, 8-track, VHS, Betamax, CDs, DVDs, MP3s, MPs
Keep the list of your lists updated
To-dos for first week of 2022
Transfer birthdays and other key dates to 2022 calendar
Christmas ornaments go back in their boxes (in the UK, they go back in their boxes on Twelfth Night, 6 January)