May 31, 2011
Dear Grover
Just as Rest areas month is beginning, I would like to submit the diary of Argentine writer Julio Cortazar, Astronauts of the Cosmoroute, as a pleasant albeit repetitive introduction to rest areas in France. It is a compelling narrative of traveling and resting along the French autoroute from Paris to Marseilles.
Dull motorists will notice how little has changed from the days of 1982, when
the journey did take place, and today. Reaching the Côte d’Azur took the writer a month or so, if I remember well.
Do such narratives exist for tourists seeking safe excitement along US highways?
Yours sincerely
François Gojat
Wimereux, France
Dear Grover
As the title of the book suggests, it is rather “autonauts” than “astronauts” (misspelled above), as Julio Cortazar & Carol Dunlop are space travelers indeed, but of a down-to-earth kind.
Yours sincerely
François Gojat