
Anorak: emblematic of dull

Glass door on toaster — watch toast toast

Watch toast popping up
Dull down by listening to a metronome — instead of an orchestra or other musical group
Ironing Board

Ironing, smoothing out the wriggles, can be very satisfying

Up-to-date information about ironing
Colouring Book
But don’t give him colored pencils — instead give regular writing pencils — in shades of gray from 9H (light gray) to HB (medium gray) to 9B (dark gray).
Pencil Sharpener

budget sharpener

deluxe model

Up-to-date information about sharpening pencils

David at work
Snow Globe



Battery Tester
Checking batteries is good thing to do. A dull man likes to do right things.
Spirit Level
Give him a level and he’ll have a ball going all around the house checking to see whether things are level or not — table tops, shelves, floors.
He might even try it on peoples’ heads — checking whether they are level headed or not.
Socks — and sock accessories

Sock drying rack

Darning ball
Log Splitting Axe

Up-to-date information about chopping, stacking, drying wood. And photos of stacks of wood.
Calendars — produced by members of Dull Men’s Club
Archie Workman’s The Drainspotter’s 2016 Calendar:
To order from Archie:
Kevin Beresford’s Roundabouts of Great Britain 2016 Calendar:
To order from Kevin:
Book: Dull Men of Great Britain

Caution: this may cause drowsiness. Best not to read it while driving.
Amazon UK, Amazon USA (so far available in USA only on Kindle (including Kindle’s app for phones, tablets, and computers); hard copy available starting February 23, 2016)