There’s so many things — everyday, mundane, run-of-the-mill things — to  enjoy and be grateful for now. In today’s digital age, it is easier than ever for us to participate in groups for appreciating, protecting, and being grateful  these things. Blogs, photos, newsletters can be shared on a worldwide basis to “Celebrate the Ordinary.”

Table of Contents

  1. Airport Luggage Carousels
  2. Apostrophes
  3. Baked Beans
  4. Biscuits
  5. Boot Scrapers
  6. Car Parks
  7. Cheese
  8. Clouds
  9. Corduroy
  10. Coriander
  11. Dust Caps
  12. Hedgehogs
  13. Jam
  14. Park Benches
  15. Pork Pies
  16. Pylons
  17. Robin Hood
  18. Roundabouts
  19. Semicolons
  20. Traffi Cones
  21. Water Towers