• Car
• Carwash
• Coins or credit card
• Chamois or towel
Any time of year.
To prepare for this experience, to make sure you won’t get scared when doing the real thing, click here to watch a video of a ride through a car wash.
- Lower antenna.
- Drive up to the entrance of Car Wash.
- Pay using the coins or credit card.
- Close windows.
- Once the light turns green, drive into the Car Wash until the light turns red.
- Enjoy the ride.
- When ride ends, drive the car forward to a parking place.
- Use chamois or towel to dry off bits the Car Wash’s dryer missed.
- If you find a spot that didn’t get clean, ask attendant if you can ride through again.
While you are riding through the Car Wash you will be tempted to turn on the windshield wipers. This is OK if the Car Wash is the brushless kind. If it is the kind that uses brushes, however, be very careful not to have the wipers on when a brush is getting close to the windshield.
The same applies to the rear window wiper, if your car has one.
Hey that Car Wash Video was way too interesting…the car actually MOVED through the car wash…What is FAR better is to go to those car wash where you park your car in them and have the machine and brushes do their thing while you sit on your dull butt in your car that isn’t moving. And…what’s the deal with ending the video before the light turned green…I’m sitting there…going “come on green!!! Let’s do it!” And they had to end the video before we got any green action…JEEZ!!!
I have always loved going through the car wash. I used to be so entranced when my mom would take me with her through the drive-though car wash. We used to pretend our car was being attacked by sea creatures. I want to build my own car was but in order to do that, I need to find industrial brushes. I want to find them in fun bright colors. http://www.bjjbrushes.com.au