
Subway Map from Kiev Ukraine

October 4, 2010

Hi again Grover

Here are a couple more links that might provide a bit of safe excitement to your members:

1. A collection of tube/underground/metro/subway maps from around the world:


2. “Thanks to Scotland’s Museum of Flight, you can look at high resolution photos of every inch of the cockpits of bombers, fighter jets, and the Concorde. Dials, toggles and gauges cover every surface in these tiny rooms.”



Tom Murphy
Penge, UK

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Hi Tom

Wow . . . a two-fur . . . two more great collections to add to our Collections and Museums page . . . the page now have over one hundred collections and museums of ordinary things.

Thanks for these and thanks for the follow-up explanation of “TTFN” — “ta ta for now.”

I don’t get out much. I had not heard “TTFN” before. I doubt that I’ll use it. I am not a ta ta kind of guy.

But I’ll certainly use the subway map collection. It’s so handy. I clicked on several of them and complete information came up abut the citys’ subway systems. And pictures of the subways and passengers.

