tinned sardines

Dear DMC

Dull men surely relish tinned fish: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2012/apr/13/tinned-fish-recipes-sardines-anchovies

Contributors also welcomed.

Yours sincerely

Francois Gojat


Dear Francois

So right you are. Dull men relish tinned fish. Practical, reliable, safe.

When we know there’s an adequate supply in our kitchen cupboards, we sleep soundly. One more step towards contentment and peace of mind.

The article by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall in The Guardian clearly explains the various kinds of fish, concerns about supply, and how to prepare the fish for the dining table.

Although the tuna fish sandwich is high on a dull man’s list of favorite foods, the article is interesting as it points out the concerns about the supply of tuna and points out other choices of tinned fish: anchovies, sardines, mackerel.

“Beyond Tuna” would be a suitable subtitle for the article.

Thanks for sending the article to us.

Yours sincerely


April 13, 2012