Transactions that are essential to the normal function of our everyday lives would not be possible without the skill and attention of a notary public. There are nearly 4.8 million notaries public in the United States, all of whom serve the common good as trusted public officials.
The first Notary Public Day was celebrated on November 7, 1975, and created to “recognize notaries for their public service and their contributions to national and international commerce.”
Since ancient Roman times, notaries have recorded matters of judicial and commercial importance as well as private transactions when professional skill and integrity were needed.
Today’s notaries are indispensable to the free flow of commerce and to the many highly sensitive personal transactions that transpire in daily life. By properly executing their duties as impartial witnesses, notaries help deter fraud and promote the integrity and reliability of document transactions. They do this by positively confirming the document signer’s identity, and carefully assessing the signer’s comprehension, competence and willingness to sign.
The date of November 7 was chosen as Notary Public Day in recognition of the day that America’s first notary, Thomas Fugill, was appointed. Fugill’s appointment by the Colony of New Haven occurred on October 25, 1639 (Julian calendar), November 7 on the Gregorian calendar now in use.