Reality TV Norway

Dear DMC,

I thought you might derive a mild degree of excitement from some news concerning a Norwegian TV programme, reported on by the UK’s Daily Mail here:

 Also the Daily Telegraph:

Reality TV Norway 2

Looks like a wonderful programme, we can only hope that the UK picks up the repeat broadcasting rights for this.

As the article says:

“The Norwegian concept of ‘Slow TV’ has been a hit in Norway since 2009, when NRK showed the view from the roof of a seven-hour train ride from Bergen to Oslo”

“Buoyed by this success, Mr Møklebust, head of programming at NRK (Norway’s public TV), subsequently positioned 11 cameras on the side of a cruise ship and broadcast the views throughout a five-and-a-half day journey along the Norwegian coast in 2011.

“Since then, the channel has delighted Norwegians with a 24-hour salmon fishing special, a 12-hour show about a fire being built and lit, and this summer’s hit: a boat trip spanning 379 hours.”

Oh to have such innovative broadcasters over here.


Catherine Brooks
Keighley, Yorkshire


 Dear Catherine,

This is wonderful. Thanks for informing us about this “mild degree of excitement.”

We found a trailer for the show:

Norway knitting banner
“Slow TV” is strangely calming” says Arve Hjelsethl, a sociologist at the Norwegian University of Science and technology. “Norway’s love affair with Slow TV is thanks to a renewed appreciation for nature and heritage. We’re increasingly urban dwellers so the mountains, fjords, and coastline remind many Norwegians of where they come from. We’re more stressed these days, too, so it’s a time to relax as well as an antidote to Modern TV, where camera angles shift every second.”


Nov stacking wood

This reminds us of another interesting news item from Norway, which we blogged about last February: “Norway is becoming a divided nation.” It a raging controversy about whether wood should be stacked barkside up or barkside down.