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Proof that England is a safe place for dull men to be — where the most exciting news is discovering 528-year-old bones?

We’ve been able so far to cope with the excitement — by enjoying the jokes:

•  Richard III — good example that it sometimes takes ages to get out of a multi storey car park.

•  Richard III vacates parking space.

•  It’s sad that he died. But it’s nice to finally have closure.

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More excitement:

•  Shootout between York and Leicester. Who gets the bones? Read about it in “Battle for Richard III” York and Leicester fight over where hing’s skeleton should be burried in the Mirror.

•  Will be England’s top tourist attraction of 2013? Might be according to the article “Richard III: Why England’s most malingned monarch may prove to be the unlikely tourist attraction of 2013” in the Daily Mail.