The Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum has a stunning collection of airsickness bags.
The Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum has a stunning collection of airsickness bags.
An airsickness bag we particularly like is one a member got when he flew on Continental Airlines. He brought it to our DMC meetings to reserve his seat.
Rune’s Barf Bag Collection now exhibits 1,291 different airsickness bags of 481 airlines from 133 countries. It also has identified the world’s current largest bag.
Kelly’s World of Airsickness Bags is Alaska’s largest on-line collection of airsickness bag and other types of motion sickness bags.
Design For Chunks™ is a idea that was conceived on a flight from Hong Kong to Sydney to produce better designed airsickness bags. Designers were approached to re-design the bags with the winning design featuring in Virgin Atlantic cabins.
Design For Chunk’s tagline is “Retch For The Sky”. We also like Design For Chunks because they fly dullair™ – if only we could too.
Airsickness Bags
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